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  Free downloads for LMD-Tools related products can be found here (like trialversions, demos, free SE editions etc.). Available downloads are grouped into categories - either select desired category from the categories combobox or click on the list of available categories.

Latest updates of LMD-Tools for registered user can be found in the protected download areas. Access data (the so called registration utility) for protected download areas were provided with your purchase - if you lost these information please contact sales@lmd.de.


• LMD-Tools Special Edition

Description Date Available Files
LMD-Tools SE 7.00.60a
LMD-Tools Freeware Edition
Dec 09, 2004 Delphi 9 Win32 (11.1 MB)
Delphi 7 (12.2 MB)
Delphi 6 (12.2 MB)
Delphi 5 (12.1 MB)
CBuilder 6 (15.0 MB)
CBuilder 5 (15.0 MB)

• LMD-Tools 7.0

Description Date Available Files
LMD-Tools Trial 7.00.61 (Full)
Complete version (Core Components, TextPack, SysPack, RichPack, ShellPack, SearchPack, WebPack, BarPack, DesignPack, StoragePack, FxPack and ScriptPack) with dcu/package files, demos and helpfiles. Includes automatic installer.

Dec 20, 2004 Delphi 2005 Win32 (19.8 MB)
Delphi 7 (19.8 MB)
Delphi 6 (19.8 MB)
Delphi 5 (19.8 MB)
CBuilder 6 (27.5 MB)
CBuilder 5 (27.5 MB)
LMD-Tools Trial 7.00.61 (w/o Help/Demos)
Complete version like full trial, but without demos and helpfiles. Additional download of the Delphi/CBuilder/BDS Help/Demos Package is recommended. Includes automatic installer.

Dec 20, 2004 Delphi 2005 Win32 (9.0 MB)
Delphi 7 (9.0 MB)
Delphi 6 (9.0 MB)
Delphi 5 (8.9 MB)
CBuilder 6 (16.7 MB)
CBuilder 5 (16.7 MB)
Help/Demos Package
Delphi, Delphi .NET or C++ Builder Help/Demos Package for LMD-Tools 7.0 and all LMD Packs. Includes automatic installer. This package is not required if you downloaded a full Trialversion.
Oct 20, 2004 Delphi 2005 .Net (10 MB)
Delphi 2005 Win32 (10 MB)
Delphi 8 (10 MB)
Delphi 5 - 7 (11.9 MB)
CBuilder 5, 6 (11.6 MB)
Precompiled demos
Megademo, demonstrates various features of LMD-Tools 7.0(compiled version of the MegaDemo project). A "must-see" - updated for version 7.0.

LMDXPSupport demonstrates XP Themes Support of several LMD-Tools controls (compiled version of the LMD XP demo project).
May 21, 2004 Megademo.zip (1.8 MB)
LMDXPSupport.zip (400 KB)

• LMD ElPack

Description Date Available Files
LMD ElPack 4.03 helpfiles
Delphi or C++ Builder Help helpfiles for LMD ElPack 4.X. Suitable for Trials and registered versions.
Dec 06, 2004 Delphi/CBuilder (3.6 MB)
Delphi 2005 (4.0 MB)
LMD ElPack 4.03 Trial (VCL Version)
Trials are based on ElPack 4.03 Update 1 (except the versions for Delphi/CBuilder 3 and 4). Please check Readme for additional information and installation help (especially for Delphi 3/4 versions).
Note: Packages do not include helpfiles (which must be downloaded separately).

Jan 12, 2005 Delphi 2005 Win32 (7.4 MB)
Delphi 7 (7.4 MB)
Delphi 6 (7.7 MB)
Delphi 5 (7.5 MB)
Delphi 4 (7.4 MB)
Delphi 3 (6.5 MB)
CBuilder 6 (10 MB)
CBuilder 5 (10 MB)
CBuilder 4 (9.3 MB)
CBuilder 3 (8.7 MB)
LMD ElPack 4.01 Trial (CLX Version)
Please check Readme for additional information and installation help. Notes: BPL packages must be installed manually and like for VCL trials helpfiles are not included (please download separately).
Aug 23, 2003 Delphi 7 (2.9 MB)
Delphi 6 (2.9 MB)
LMD ElPack 4.01 Trial (CLX Version for Kylix)
Please check Readme for additional information and installation help.
Aug 25, 2003 Kylix 3 (2.4 MB)
Kylix 2 (2.4 MB)
Kylix 1 (2.3 MB)
LMD PageControl 4.01 Trial for Delphi 5-7, CBuilder 5/6 (StandAlone)
Delphi or C++ Builder PageControl Trial. No helpfile included (use default help package). Also demo uses other ELPack controls.
The PageControl Demo represents a precompiled demo demonstrating various features of PageControl.
Sep 23, 2003 LMD PageControl Trial(2.3 MB)
PageControl Demo (0.5 MB)
Precompiled sample projects for ElPack 4.01 (VCL Version):
FullDemo: ElPack components Overview
ThemeEngine: ThemeEngine Demo
PageControl: PageControl Demo
Aug 23, 2003 FullDemo (1.2 MB)
ThemeEngine (0.9 MB)
PageControl (0.5 MB)

• LMD Packs Release 2003

Description Date Available Files
LMD BarPack 1.00.54 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.
Dec 10, 2004 Delphi 9 .Net (1.5 MB)
Delphi 9 Win32 (1.1 MB)
Delphi 8 (1.5 MB)
Delphi 7 (1.1 MB)
Delphi 6 (1.1 MB)
Delphi 5 (1.1 MB)
CBuilder 6 (1.5 MB)
CBuilder 5 (1.5 MB)
LMD DesignPack 2.21 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.
Dec 10, 2004 Exe-Demo 1 (0.6 MB)
Exe-Demo 2 (0.5 MB)
Delphi 9 .NET (2.0 MB)
Delphi 9 Win32 (1.4 MB)
Delphi 8 (2.0 MB)
Delphi 7 (1.4 MB)
Delphi 6 (1.4 MB)
Delphi 5 (1.4 MB)
CBuilder 6 (1.8 MB)
CBuilder 5 (1.8 MB)
LMD FxPack 1.00 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.
Dec 10, 2004 Delphi 9 .Net (1.7 MB)
Delphi 9 Win32 (1.3 MB)
Delphi 8 (1.6 MB)
Delphi 7 (1.3 MB)
Delphi 6 (1.3 MB)
Delphi 5 (1.3 MB)
CBuilder 6 (1.6 MB)
CBuilder 5 (1.6 MB)
LMD ScriptPack 2.60 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.
Dec 10, 2004 Delphi 9 Win32 (1.1 MB)
Delphi 7 (1.0 MB)
Delphi 6 (1.0 MB)
Delphi 5 (1.0 MB)
CBuilder 6 (1.0 MB)
CBuilder 5 (1.0 MB)
LMD RichPack 3.04.51 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.

Note: VCL.Net versions are preview versions with known issues (which will be fixed until next release).
Dec 10, 2004 Delphi 9 .NET (2.6 MB)
Delphi 9 Win32 (1.9 MB)
Delphi 8 (2.6 MB)
Delphi 7 (1.9 MB)
Delphi 6 (1.9 MB)
Delphi 5 (1.9 MB)
CBuilder 6 (2.4 MB)
CBuilder 5 (2.4 MB)
LMD SearchPack 2.03.50 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.
The SearchFileGrep app is compiled version of demo project which is shipped with each SearchPack package.
Dec 10, 2004 SearchFileGrep Demo (0.4 MB)
Delphi 9 .Net (1.2 MB)
Delphi 9 Win32 (0.9 MB)
Delphi 8 (1.2 MB)
Delphi 7 (0.8 MB)
Delphi 6 (0.8 MB)
Delphi 5 (0.8 MB)
CBuilder 6 (1.1 MB)
CBuilder 5 (1.1 MB)
LMD StoragePack 1.08.00 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.
Dec 10, 2004 Delphi 9 .Net (1.5 MB)
Delphi 9 Win32 (1.1 MB)
Delphi 8 (1.5 MB)
Delphi 7 (0.9 MB)
Delphi 6 (0.9 MB)
Delphi 5 (0.9 MB)
CBuilder 6 (1.4 MB)
CBuilder 5 (1.4 MB)
LMD ShellPack 3.01 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.
Dec 10, 2004 Delphi 9 .Net (2.0 MB)
Delphi 9 Win32 (1.6 MB)
Delphi 8 (2.0 MB)
Delphi 7 (1.6 MB)
Delphi 6 (1.6 MB)
Delphi 5 (1.6 MB)
CBuilder 6 (2.3 MB)
CBuilder 5 (2.3 MB)
LMD SysPack 2.00.52 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.
Dec 10, 2004 Delphi 9 .Net (2.4 MB)
Delphi 9 Win32 (1.7 MB)
Delphi 8 (2.4 MB)
Delphi 7 (1.7 MB)
Delphi 6 (1.7 MB)
Delphi 5 (1.7 MB)
CBuilder 6 (2.3 MB)
CBuilder 5 (2.3 MB)
LMD WebPack 3.03.00 Trial
Standalone version. Helpfile and demo projects included.
Dec 10, 2004 Delphi 9 .Net (1.7 MB)
Delphi 9 Win32 (1.3 MB)
Delphi 8 (1.7 MB)
Delphi 7 (1.2 MB)
Delphi 6 (1.2 MB)
Delphi 5 (1.2 MB)
CBuilder 6 (1.6 MB)
CBuilder 5 (1.6 MB)

• LMD-Tools 5.0

Description Date Available Files
LMD-Tools 5.0 Megademo
Single Exe-file demonstrating various features of LMD-Tools (compiled version of the MegaDemo project).
Apr 16, 2001 lmdmega.zip (1.3 MB)
LMD-Tools Trial 5.0X
Complete version with DCU / Package files, demos and helpfiles. Includes automatic installer.
Aug 26, 2000 Delphi 4 (7.2 MB)
Delphi 3 (7.6 MB)
CBuilder 4 (9.8 MB)
CBuilder 3 (9.5 MB)

• LMD-Tools 3.5

Description Date Available Files
LMD-Tools Trial 3.50.10
Contains 32bit DCU files and english documentation. Besides you should download demonstration projects.
Jun 24, 2000 Delphi 2 (1.3 MB)
CBuilder 1 (2.3 MB)
LMD-Tools Trial 3.50.10
Contains 16bit DCU files and english documentation. Besides you should download demonstration projects.
Jun 24, 2000 Delphi 1 (1.3 MB)
LMD-Tools Demos 3.50.10
LMD-Tools 3.5X Demoprojects with sourcecode.
Jun 24, 2000 Delphi 1+2 (0.9 MB)
CBuilder 1 (0.9 MB)
LMD-Tools Helpfiles 3.50.10
LMD-Tools 3.5 helpfiles (Introduction and reference).
Jun 24, 2000 English (0.5 MB)
German (0.5 MB)

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All rights reserved. All other trademarks are acknowledged.